
 The effects of the avant-garde on popular culture and media. 

When I think of avant-garde my first thought would be something so “out-there” in art something that would affect my thoughts or how I viewed the world but really I think avant-garde is just art that decides to focus on different aspects of art then traditional works. Avant-garde affected popular culture and media because it changed what we saw as being art and even the way we viewed art. Cubism and Surrealism are two good examples of avant-garde.  Cubism and surrealism made us rethink the way we looked at objects and our own perspective. Cubism made your mind put shapes together to form a object while surrealism, with its dream-like scenes, gave you familiar objects in a new way, The avant-garde wanted to redesign everything and using popular culture and media was a quick way to do so. They used any type of media to get their views across, such as exhibits, radios, films, magazines, etc. They wanted their ideas everywhere and they were successful getting the view of the avant-garde out to the public even if some did not agree with them. 

Also speaking of the avant-garde you have to bring up Picasso who was the first to make collage. This is something I really enjoy in my art as well in life. Here our some images of Picasso's collages:

I have a piece (like the collage with the guitar) that I took from my high school art teacher and I never knew who the inspiration was... I just thought it was interesting so I took it. It's funny how those things work out. 

Inspiration repeats. 

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